Loaded Ham aka Hamisi Kigundu pays own workers from pocket
There is this mysterious tycoon called Ham. Where he gets his money is as mysterious as he is.
When Rafiki went to his mega site in Gaba to see for himself what the hulaabloo was all about his house, he was amazed at the magnitude of the building and what money can do.
But what Rafiki found intriguing was the fact that the big man himself pays the workers from his pocket.
Ham is doing things the Ganda way, instead of a foreman to pay the daily labourers, he himself acts as the foreman.
On the particular day Rafiki found out the labourers waiting for him to come and dish out money to them.
Mbu if he happens to be too busy, then that day they have to wait till night or forfeit the day’s payment…….
For some people, they would call this behavior as ‘bukopi translated as uncivilized but for Rafiki he would call this good money management no Njawulo or making an extra buck.