Stecia Mayanja’s woes
If Rafiki was Stecia, apologize to the 4th estate and ask for a divorce from Abas Mubiru.
This is because, after abusing the 4th estate even Rafiki is no longer symphathetic to her, and as we speak now, she is in a state of panic.
Rafiki is privy to info that after working day and night to secure the freedom of her hubby Abas Mubiru, has now flown to S. Africa.
Whether Abas will come back or not is not known. Mbu Abas told Stecia that there is someone who owes him money in Madiba land and that he was going there to recover that money.
But close sources say that this was what Abas was planning to do all along, and that it’s because of this very reason that he told court that he doesn’t have a passport…..
For us here at Grapevine we just beg everybody to pray for Stecia Mayanja.