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Is Aziz Azion addicted to this red-district zone


Is Aziz Azion addicted to this red-district zone

Aziz Azion addicted or what?

Aziz Azion addicted or what?

Aziz Azion is a Muslim guy and many who know him will attest that he only drinks red bull (is this alcohol or what?) when he is out.

But Rafiki is now concerned with the trend that Aziz is taking…. Our snoop has confirmed that Aziz has made Comrades bar in Makindye his bedroom.

Every night, as he sips his red bull.

This is worrying because of two facts: One is that Comrade bar is a ‘hot spot’ known for its ‘Red district’, activities. This simply means that most of the ladies that frequent this spot are fresh vendors and thus everyone who comes to this bar can be either a customer or a potential one for those other wares.

Another worrying thing is that our snoop has seen Aziz leave this place at very ungodly hours on three occasions and on all these occasions, he left with different ladies! Are these part of his singing crew or he is into……..



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