Nantume follows in Kusasira’s footsteps
Maureen Nantume is one of those ladies, many men would wish to have for her calmness (unless someone touches hubby Muganza).
It seems that mwami Muganza knows this, Nantume is in Turkey after getting tips from Kusasira mbu she should not wait for her man to provide everything, also mbu singing is
soon to be taken over by the young generation, thus, Maureen is supposed to establish herself in other ventures, advised Cathy.
Now Rafiki has learnt that Maureen has ignored the Golden Production trip to Kiboga for the Golden show and instead opted to fly to Turkey to restock her bridal boutique business.
With Messach already in America, Golden Production has travelled to Kiboga, where they are going to be for 21 days, with only Charles Ssekyewa as the big name.
Will the group survive the adverts where they have been telling everybody mbu all the big shoots will be there? Hope the Kiboga guys are more disciplined.