Mathias Walukagga to become School Principle soon
It seems that our Musicians are now waking up one after another.
Long ago, musicians would get lots of money and spend it on high-living mostly in bars and on women, but the trend, Rafiki has noticed is shifting fast, if they are not investing in real estates they are venturing into other businesses including Politics.
Now, Rafiki has landed on a building that is moving at break-neck speed Lukaya on Masaka road. A few inquiries here and there revealed that this is going to house a vocational Institute to be named after our own Walukagga as in Mathias Vocational School and it belongs to none other than this Kadongo Kamu maestro Mathias Walukagga.
Word is that the school will be completed by the end of the year and that it will beging operating next year…..
Wamma Walukagga you should not forget that you advised us never to study Pilot courses when Uganda does not even have a plane. We are eagely waiting for the brillian courses that you will offer. Good Luck!