First Annual Arts and Culture Festival is on!
The Uganda National Cultural Centre has organised its first edition of the Annual Arts and Cultural festival and its scheduled to take place on November 3 to 4, 2018. The two-days festival will feature a series of cultural events designed to popularise, promote and preserve Ugandan culture.
Ever heard of the Batwa people? Well, they will be coming to the National Theatre, the home of the UNCC/National Theatre and the venue for the festival. Robert Musiitwa, UNCC’s Public Relations Officer told The Sunrise that the world has to be reminded about Uganda’s rich diversity.
For those yearning to be part of history, expect entertainment from regional group representatives from 52 ethnic groups from across Uganda. The creamy representatives have gone through competitions at the regional level at different cultural institutions.
With the theme ‘Employment creation for women and youth in Arts and cultural Industry’ women and the youth are to get a platform to exhibit their art and culture.
When The Sunrise asked Musiitwa, the secret behind the theme, this is what he had to say:
“We will be creating an opportunity for artistes especially women and the youth to showcase what they have in the areas of Art and culture. We will be creating a platform for them to sell what they have and for others to see that they do exist in the areas of art.”
Since it is the first edition, participants not only going to get a platform to promote and popularise their troupes, but they will also get certificates of recognition.
Besides enjoying Uganda’s diverse cultural dances, revellers should expect performances from contemporary artists such as Jamal of Abakyala Bazira fame, Sophie Gombya, Angela Kalule and many others. UNCC is also planning Symposia, live bands, stage plays and Film workshops.