Mercy Mikka warns Bad Black, I will expose your ‘dirty business’

Bad Black.
Socialite Bad Black has recently been in a feud with her long time friend Mercy Mikka.
The two are fighting over an alleged UGX500,000 that Mikka lent to Bad Black sometime back.
Although reports indicate that another city socialite Meddi Ssentogo gave Mercy UGX2million as compensation and cease the fight, the two have still been feuding on social media.
In an interview with one media house, Black claims she has done so much for Mercy and that she doesn’t deserve the treatment she’s getting from Mercy.
She notes Howe that there is no evidence that she recieved the money, anyway.
“How can she start demanding for such small money on TV, I can not pay her for what she did, let her go to court.”

Bad Black’s friend Mercy Mikka.
Yesterday, Mikka said in an interview that she is coming out to stop Bad Black’s bad deeds of exploiting young girls all in the name of helping them.

Conversation between the two friends.
“As long as I come out and say the truth, I have come out for all those girls even if you shoot me as long as I die for the truth, I have proof of people selling girls and I have nothing to lose,”
She also claimed that Bad Black sent goons after her, and that she has been receiving constant threats from annonymous people.
“Bad Black sent me a message threatening me, Ugandans want spoilt things they can only believe these allegations after something terrible has happened to someone.”

A Reference letter.
However Bad Black dedided to file a case of “cyber harrasment” against Mikka.