Life & Style
Men in secret romance with their cars
In tales you are advised never to get between a man and his car. Men love their cars because cars are more important than women. They are also easier to manage than women. You park it and go with your keys and no body tampers with it.
Should you risk abandoning your beautiful woman somewhere, a car can help you dodge those taxes but still enjoy your romantic talents.
A company truck driver carelessly joined the main road and almost knocked other cars that were already on the main road. Another concerned driver took time to read the information on the truck reading “In case of bad driving report to the company manager on this number 0772……….”
When he called to report the reckless driving he was astonished to realize that it is the truck driver himself who picked the call and the chap went ahead to blame other road users for being inconsiderate by not allowing him to join the main road when he had urgent delivery schedules to meet. In fact he never regretted for his bad driving but only a bused other drivers.
Learn it from today that keeping a full tank keeps your car healthy. Did you think cars are for the poor? Experts that are familiar with the common fuel injection system will tell you that running out of fuel can cause serious fuel line problems -and that running low can be detrimental, too.
Running out of fuel in a fuel injected car can allow small particles of dirt and rust that are concentrated at the bottom of the fuel tank, and when the fuel pump sucks them up, some of that dirt can work its way past the fuel filter, into the injectors. I doubt if our taxi drivers are aware of this. They take fuel that can only get them to the next fuel station for another refill.
Police officers will not hesitate to impound your car or write a penalty receipt when your driver’s license expires; something that bothers me. I always ask myself the same question: Does the expiry of my license mean that I no longer know how to drive?
The day I was issued a penalty receipt for an expired driver’s license I requested the police officer to help me drive my car home. I thought I no longer knew how to drive until the vehicle tax officers put their stamp and a new date into my license.
Did you know that windscreen wipers were invented by a woman? But I expected it even before I came to know of it. The choice of the shape of the windscreen wipers is enough to give you a clue that it must have been a woman. Who else will ever be fascinated by such shapes?
In fact am perfectly certain that microphones were also invented by a woman. And that’s not enough; even candles are dexterity of a woman’s design. I’m yet to find out if gear levers are also inclusive.
I learnt that it takes more than 150 years for a car to drive to the sun. How I wish my 90 year old grandfather had started on his mission with his UVQ 884 PEAGOUT. By now he would be left with just 60 years to get there. Even when he died his children and grandchildren would drive the remaining distance. My family would have made a historical record in the world.
In Malaysia when a certain car is selling too well within a segment, competitors can actually file a complaint to the authorities and the authorities will then hike up the price of that vehicle (forcefully) to ‘level’ competition-ship.
Therefore as a car manufacturer it is not good for your product to win the customers’ choice to the point of selling more than other competitors’ products. Is this fair competition?