Life & Style
Songs you should listen to this Valentine
February has always been a stressful month of love. This is because of its 14thdate dubbed Valentines day.
It is on this day that lovebirds try their level best to make their heart holders feel special. The same date makes singles feel lonelier and those that break up on Valentines day swear never to love again.
For decades, people have always listened to West life, Back street boys, R.Kelly, John Legend, Vance Joy, Walk the moon, James Blunt, and many other western artistes. Well, this Valentine, Sunrise is here to tip you on those Ugandan songs that you would wish to listen to, dedicate or sing to your love and put you in the Valentine mood.
Lean on me by Remah Namakula
This number I am sure can be sung and dedicated to your love most especially if you are facing a trying time. Outed by Remah Namakula in 2018. The song should be one of Uganda’s Valentine anthems because its message is what men need to hear from their women for any comfortable relationship.
Nteledde by Naava Grey
Nteledde was released in 2016 by song bird Naava Grey. This song assures one in doubt of being cheated. It makes you feel wanted, loved and assurance that your partner has you alone and is contented.
Love you every day by Bebe Cool
The message in this song keeps you at peace knowing your man is yours alone and not anyone else’s. With the lyrics, you get assured that even if your Romeo works in China and only comes to you once in a month you feel the assurance that his heart belongs only to you.
Released in 2014, who wouldn’t want to hear her man sing
‘I’ve seen a lot of places and faces
But I’m always back to you
My money on my mind not anything
Ladies by my side each and everyday
But am always back to you’ a reasonable man with a tight schedule should at least call and sing the lyrics.
Sembela by Irene Ntale
Released in 2016, the Sembela hit should also be one this Valentines anthem. Irene’s lyrics oh my God.
Picture the two of you seated in love and singing this to your selves
‘Nkwagala nnyo okuva kunsi mpaka kumwezi, nokukomawo……nkunonyeza teli wesituuse, naye tebakutundayo mubutale’.
Everyone needs to feel special, use Sembela lyrics and make your partner feel that no one else brings you a fine feeling in your life as they do.
Super Man by Ykee Benda
This valentine, the fresh lovers should use Ykee’s number to spice up the relationship.
As everyone wants to feel protected, what beats protection from a Superman!
This 14th of February, guarantee that your presence to your partner is felt. I bet your partner would want to see you in the corner.