‘Your time is at hand’
Like any other year, this year started. Next year is presidential elections but the beginning of 2015 was so calm that even light-hearted experts and thinkers started wondering and reaching early conclusions that the almost Robert Mugabe age mate would just sail on calmer waters defeating his enemies easily in the elections expected to take place next year.
Yes, I don’t preach politics here but how will we get right politicians if anointed men in the temple refuse to uncover what they stored for politicians this year? If I decide to focus on deep politics, some politics in the ring will cry.
I know exactly what can hurt them, and let me advise them, they should stop provoking me. I sting because I am a bee. I am a poisonous cobra, so I can injure. I don’t only growl, I also bite! At this table where I am and writing as if am the one who created writing, I see nature, the trees are releasing fresh air to me.
Down there, school children are standing along the road wanting to cross into the gate of the school opposite there. I am happy that I am alive. A cat is friendly to man but hold it by its tail and swing it. You will surely learn something you cannot learn in any other way.
What I know about politicians in this country is in fact too much. Sometimes I feel that to put it in ink here before they openly attack me would be putting chains around their necks to finish them before the day they have waited for 20 or thirty years comes. That is the reason why this platform was called the temple of wisdom. What is happening today, the political comedy and drama, is not new.
Paul Kawanga played his part and we laughed and sung him in songs and almost predicted his victory over the then darling Museveni. He was defeated and he cried audibly. He is now seated in his Lubaga residence. And young boys in politics are about to step into the honor he acquired over the years by pushing or pulling him into their issues.
To seek his advice, Kawanga Semwogerere can be attracted by the little sums of money that amateur politicians are today boasting of having. Coming together as one, to defeat the father of freedom, in this country, is good but I know that it may fail to work because my enemies are also so many but they failed to break my neck. Pacquiao punches just bring excitement among people.
May weather throws less punches and wins, leaving the ignorant world doubting and accusing professional umpires. Politics will never be fair to lazy people! Opposition politicians, stop causing chaos around here. You busy yourselves in air conditioned halls in Kampala and I hear you also dish out money to win young souls to your way of thinking.
Museveni means it when he says that you may never wrestle power away from him whether illegally or legally because he knows very well that you have almost done nothing to put you into the honor that you greedily want.
Opportunity strikes once and may never come back to the doors of the person that it was seeking. I see your time is at hand but because you are busy looking into the baskets of money that were paraded by politicians whose major aim is to improve their CVs and nothing else, you are off duty.
Bidandi Ssali in fact saved more money than perhaps Besigye did while preparing for the last presidential elections. He now sits at his Bukoto home or there at Kiwatule and brags, telling gray haired men, his age, that he also contested for presidency and his votes were stolen. His CV is where he wanted it be after all.
I dedicate most of this article to politicians, both on opposition and those in government. A lot of them are among the congregation, listening and closely following, in the temple of wisdom.
Shaban Senkubuge followed my principles and he became guild president at the oldest university in Uganda. He listened to me and won himself a success that a few learned people in the world ever acquire throughout their lives.
That surprised all the big wigs in DP .Sebaana Kizito was among them. There is no pay for noise making. Entering Owino market and provoking the police into pepper spraying you cannot win you votes. With me, no sympathy vote.
You run into the streets and they clobber you from there, like a primary kid who studied in the 90’s, I just hide my face and laugh at you. Regardless of the field you are in, you can become among its leaders.
Listen to your heart and find the real answers to the questions you are today asking yourselves. Your time is at hand. Success is won by only tireless warriors.
Special thanks go to all politicians for all their encouragement to me and all musicians in this country who almost every day tell me that the bricks I have so far put on the building they are building to house all talented artistes in the pearl of Africa are in fact almost enough. Thank you and May the Lord bless you. Your time is at hand! Stop worrying!
Sekka Bagenda is a writer. An inspirational public speaker and a sports scientist.
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