It’s true Stella Nyanzi received medical attention, Frank Baine tells the nation

Frank Baine
The spokesperson Uganda prisons service Frank Baine on Thursday 10, 2019, updated the nation about Stella Nyanzi’ health status and confirmed that she had a received medical attention while in prison
While appearing on one of the television stations, Baine said Nyanzi it wad the prison’s responsibility to keep inmates in a healthy state.
He said that where there is a medical case concerning an inmate, doctors first assess the patient but if the situation worsens, inmates are transferred to a government hospital.
“Health problems can come up at any time, if there was miscarriage, it was taken care of medically and that’s why she was in position to appear before the court yesterday,” he said.
On Wednesday, when she appeared before the High Court, Dr Nyanzi explained to Court that she had recently suffered miscarriage while in the prison and had been admitted to the prison’s sick bay and failed to get in touch with her lawyer Isaac Ssemakadde to swear a supporting affidavit in her case.
This was when either side failed to provide the required documents.

Dr. Stella Nyanzi
In October 2018 Makerere tribunal directed that Dr Stella Nyanzi be reinstated and be paid all her salaries. She was also to be promoted to the level of a research fellow with immediate effect after lifting her suspension. However, the University failed to abide by the order and this prompted Dr Nyanzi to sue the institution seeking payment of her salaries, and to be reinstated as directed by the staff tribunal.
Dr Stella Nyanzi was also among over 40 lecturers who were fired by the university. However, the sacked people are trying to seek the Speaker’s intervention on the m.
Dr Stella Nyanzi is remanded at Luzira prison since November 2018 on the charges of cyber harassment and offensive communication.
The hearing of her case will resume next month on February on the 19th .