Cabinet agrees to ease lock-down gradually

President Yoweri Museveni
Cabinet has agreed to lift some of the lock-down restrictions at the end of the current period on May 5 next week, the Nation Newspaper of Kenya has reported.
Quoting a source that attended yesterday’s cabinet meeting that was chaired by President Yoweri Museveni, the Nation has reported that Cabinet yesterday agreed that each sector of government develops a plan for the phased reopening of the economy.
Ugandans have endured one of the strictest lock-down measures in East Africa since March 27, when the government suspended public transport across the country.
The online edition of the paper adds that the president tasked different departments to present their plans in a special cabinet meeting on May 2.
In his televised address to the nation yesterday, the President declined to reveal this framework, and only insisted that the way forward would be determined by the results of a Ministry of Health survey that was launched yesterday.
But he hinted at the possibility of easing some of the less risky measures, as the government’s efforts are shifted towards country’s border regions to stop the importation of the virus. Uganda’s border with Kenya and Tanzania remain flash points in the fight against the disease because they are entry points for truck drivers.
The survey, which targets up to 20,000 people will collect blood and throat samples from among people in busy places like markets, border areas and health centres to establish whether there are any cases of Coronavirus infections in the community.