World Press Freedom Day; Hostile work conditions spell danger for journalism
A study by Twaweza, a civil society organisation that does social research studies, shows that majority of Ugandans approve of the work done by journalists in the development of the country.
However, many are uncomfortable sending their children to journalism schools because of the hostile working conditions they witness journalists endure including poor living conditions and hostility from security forces.
Releasing findings of a recent survey, Sauti za Wananichi Programs officer, Marie Nanyanzi say
The study showed that 82% of Ugandans acknowledge that the media makes a positive contribution to the country, but only 53% of those interviewed would be proud if their children became journalists.
The study also reveals that 58 % of the people interviewed said that journalists tell the truth.
Overall, Twaweza ‘s team noted that they found that people have acknowledged the contribution of journalism in a country’s development more so during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The group’s country leader Violet Alinda, points out that the media has not only provided critical information for citizens to make informed decisions, but it has also provided citizens with with feedback to government, covering hard to reach areas and painting a picture of how citizens are experiencing the current covid19 crisis and government response measures.
Nanyanzi says the organisation plans to do further conduct research into the factors that threatens the independence of the profession.