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When a pastor brainwashed my mum

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When a pastor brainwashed my mum

Women scramble to kiss the pastor's feet

Women scramble to kiss the pastor’s feet

Do you ever sit and reflect on the pastors who are all over the place? The other day I went home and found when my mum had converted to the Born Again Christian faith, praying from Pastor X’s church, an hour’s drive from home. There are other two churches owned by different pastors along the same road.

My mum had been a staunch Catholic, one who would starve you if you spent a day without reciting the Rosary. Portraits of Mother Mary, Jesus, Saints were all over our house. She had a big rosary that she used to use in a church group called Martyrs. My mum would pray a lot. On one occasion my elder sister made a joke about her incessant praying; that she should give God sometime off so He can reflect on the requests she made in the previous prayer sessions.

We were all Catholic at home because we were born and raised by our mum in that faith. Seeing our mum all brainwashed – into believing that the better faith is the Born Again – is a very challenging and strange.

Who could ever imagine that one day she would empty our house of all portraits of Virgin Mary, Jesus, Kizito Omuto and the rest and give them to her friends who were still Catholic. She went ahead to challenge us, questioning why we were not seeing the light she was seeing.

Back to the point, I have no personal bias against the Born Again faith but I am highly bothered with the fact that they did not only sway my mum to their beliefs but also brainwashed her into believing that the entire Catholicism was a lie.

By the way why are there so many of Born Again sects? Can’t you guys simply get together and form one strong congregation? Someone will travel miles just to go and attend a church service at Pastor X’s church, leaving so many of similar faith behind. Isn’t that questionable enough?

Plus, what is the lavish lifestyle all about? Expensive suits, posh cars and mansions yet the whole purpose of churches and spreading God’s word is about reaching out to the people that need his love and mercy, not simply feeding them with the motivational gospel. I also saw one church with an app and a website. For Christ’s sake all that money used to develop apps and websites would rather be used to feed the hungry and homeless. I am sure you all have noticed that the people who seek God more are those in need. Isn’t it obvious that only the sick do seek a doctor’s help?

The people that truly need God’s true gospel and redemption from this world’s torments do not have access to websites and phone applications.

I think God’s true intention is to share and spread love, acts of kindness, well-being, looking out for each other as God’s true children despite the various religious differences. The gospel is meant to inspire and change people’s lives.

If there is anything God wants us to do, it is to cleanse our hearts and display faith, with actions, according to the Gospel of St Paul. Let the faith reign in our hearts and we should display it by reaching out to one another.

All religions have strong lines that keep their followers together. But I think it is important to remember that each of these religions was initially someone’s idea. At the end of the day, there is a Mighty God we all see and serve, regardless of how we do it.



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