Police officers not the only target
Well, one cannot blame them for such a luxurious gift.
However, I am afraid that while this will provide police with some degree of protection, it will as well put them in a comfortable zone, getting them to relax in their safety other than going out there to weed out those criminals from wherever there are hiding from.
Putting that aside, who said it were only senior police officers who are targeted? When you provide their bodyguards and drivers with bullet proof vests, it sounds like they are the only target in the assassinations that have been taking place. Come on; was Joan Kagezi or all the other Sheiks who were killed senior police officers? Let’s be realistic here.
I know the brutal death of Kaweesi might have woken up the police to the vulnerability of their safety but providing escort motorcycles to senior officers will not solve the issue. What needs to be done is to put all our efforts in hunting down that cartel of assassins. If those people as according to rumors are for hire, it means that no one is safe.
For one, these assassins are determined. They have proved it with all the murders they have committed. So what makes you think bulletproof vests and escort motorcycles will stop them. What I see is even a worse scenario than Kaweesi’s incidence. I see the coming of machine guns and rocket launchers; who do you think will be safe with such artillery?
Will you still go around providing bulletproof vests and escort motorcycles? And what about us, civilians; who are innocent parties in such killing events? How will you protect us?
What police needs to understand is that the country’s security was compromised when Kaweesi was assassinated. His brutal death acted as a manifestation of the vulnerability of our security system to all criminals. I believe they now think that they can kill and get away with it.
So, while you provide your senior officers with escorts and security personnel, think about us civilians as well. We also need security as those senior officers. No one is safe if those assassins continue to loom around. So, better get them.