UNRA should take full responsibility for delays
They say a bad workman always blames his tools. I believe this is exactly what is happening at UNRA. During her submission to the commission headed by Justice Catherine Bamugemereire in a land inquiry hearing the UNRA boss went ahead to implore the court that delayed compensation should not stop UNRA’s road projects. She said such delays create additional expenses, which is costly to the government since money that could have been used to commence the project is instead paid to the contractor as penalty for the delays.
But who’s to blame for this? Isn’t this what they call poor planning? Even if it was lands ministry responsible for the acquisition of land and compensation, it is UNRA’s mandate to ensure that the land owners are compensated fully before the commencement of the road projects.
Now, if these projects are delayed, why complain? Doesn’t this show a lack of planning, responsibility and team work that is always problematic in under developed countries? When it comes to road projects, there is always a systematic process. If one step fails, then the whole project is most likely to delay or to fail.
I am sure any human being would realize that people need to be compensated for their land before it is forcefully taken over. This does not need rocket scientists its just a human instinct just to wish for others what you would wish for yourself.
Next time, I believe it would be a good idea if you first settle land issues fully before you start initiating road projects and signing contracts with contractors before completing the whole process.