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Was Bududa landslides a mark of world climate change?


Was Bududa landslides a mark of world climate change?

Landslide tragedy

I tend to feel that the recent Bududa landslides happened, because of what I think of, as a prediction.

I kept on wondering what happened to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi; the earthquake in Indonesia, and following sunami and landslides that killed more than 300 people. Then I wondered about the hurricanes in South East Asia, Japan and the Philippines.

At that time there were reports about an on-coming Hurricane Michael that was about to hit the eastern coast of the United States. I thought: the world is experiencing a climatic change but not El Nino, why is it?

Then Bududa hit. In a sense I felt a bit of guilt that I should have thought that Uganda could escape the climatic wrath. And then Hurricane Leslie devastated Portugal. All these have followed the global conference on climate change that warned that if the world warming rises to 1.5 degrees percentage, the world will be in a climatic tailspin.

For Bududa, we were always expecting the worst; yet the Government dragged its feet on a solution to the problem. They have now woken up and realized that they have to take stern action to remedy the people of the area. It takes into account what they say is their ancestral homes and heritage and re-location.  If they do not do it, another cataclysm will undoubtedly follow.

Eliud Walera,  Buduuda



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