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Paul Zimwe now serves self


Paul Zimwe now serves self

Paul Zzimwe carries own beer!

Paul Zzimwe carries own beer!

Rafiki was alarmed last weekend when he witnessed something that could have been unthinkable a few years ago.

Here is the scene, Paul the son of the late construction mogul Andrew Kasagga Zimwe serving himself at Club Guvnor?

For the un initiated who don’t know what goes on there, Club Guvnor has this tradition where if you are moneyed and order booze of more than Ugsh 200,000/= , the booze will be brought to you by a beautiful babe and your order is carried on a carrier with fireworks for everyone to see and take note.

Sometime back, Paul used to buy these fireworks orders for any table that acknowledged him. But recently  Rafiki was shocked to see the same Paul buy 3 beers at the counter and then disappearing into a dark corner.

So sad, Paul Zzimwe is not an Indian and therefore could not benefit from the old Indian practice of father teaching child the job. Had he been, now our own Paul would be reeking very big projects that his father would never have dared to dream of. As it is a known that Indians teach their children their trade from a tender ageto take over from where the parents stopped just in case.



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