Let vendors decide their fate – Mutesasira tasks KCCA
Mutesasira Mawejje, the former Chairperson of the Wandageya Market Vendors Association, has asked the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) to allow the vendors to elect their own leaders.
Speaking to journalists on 7th January at the Southern Wing block of the market this morning, Mawejje blamed the current leadership of the market, headed by Jonathan Gitta, for what he called mistreatment of vendors.
“It is annoying to see all the people we started with in this market no longer operate from here,” Mawejje said.
He said that the Former KCCA Executive Director, Jenifer Musisi, dictated and appointed a committee of nine people who could work with her to control the market at the expense of the vendors.
“The interim committee she appointed has now worked for over six years since 2013, exceeding even the normal two years that an elected committee is supposed to last,” he said.
The rebuilt market was commissioned in October 2013 by Musisi.
Mawejje claimed that poor leadership of the market had chased away most of the vendors due to hiked rental fees.
“How can someone fail to rent a government structure if he or she can afford to rent from an individual?” asked Mawejje.
“We used to pay UGX 17000 but when they opened the new market they imposed UGX 150,000 which is too high for vendors such as those dealing in tobacco leaves,” he added.