WWF, Government Re-Echo call for Behavior Change and Ban on Single Use Plastic

Gen Katumba Wamala photo by Uganda Media Centre
The Wild Wide Fund for Nature together with Government Agencies, CSOs and other Social Formations like the Rotarians, Scouts, Go green Youth Networks have called for a total Ban on single use of plastics.
The call was made as part of commemorations top mark the Earth Hour 2021, since its launch in 2007in Sydney Australia, The Earth Hour has helped to inspire conversations around the world to raise awareness of the potential threat posed by climate Change helping to build a movement that has led to positive action at local regional and global levels.
The WWF Country Director David Duli said plastic waste is choking the country- polluting the air; water and soil that both people nd wild life need to survive
Water Bodies world over contain 300 Million tons of plastic and another 8 million plastic is added ecvery year that’s a truck load of Plastic a minute, it is estimated that by 2050 if the curve does not bend, there maybe more plastic in water bodies than fish.
Duli said the increased use of plastics has not only endangered nature, but also human life as micro plastics enter food chains and an average person may be ingesting as 2000Micro Plastic particles every week, this is through the use of plastics to keep foods and beverages.
Duli called for the reduction of the pollution of water bodies, and environment caused by plastic particles produced as plastic bags, the conservation of natural resources, and aquatic biodiversity.
“What is encouraging that the Ugandan government recognizes that we need to act on the plastic pollution crisis, recycling is a false solution and will not yield any tangible results; we need a mindset shift away from single use culture if we are to solve it. WWF and partners are calling or a complete ban on these single use products since only 9% of plastics created has been recycled.

David Duli the WWF country Director speaking at the Uganda Media Centre
He said the country can only reduce plastic monster together, and as a country it should not allow the plastic industry continue to mislead he public into believing the consumers are at fault.
Conservationists say that the natural world is under unprecedented pressure where at the current rate of nature loss, the world stands to face the extinction of an estimated 1 million species within decades and significant declines of food and water supplies and many other services that nature provides to us every day.
The WWF Living planet report 2020, has found population sizes of wildlife decreased by 68% on average globally since 1970.
The Minister for works and Commissioner for Scouts, Katumba Wamala said Uganda is a home to a vast variety and abundance of the Wolds biological and natural resources the country is a home to several UNESCO Heritage and Ramsar sites.
He said unfortunately the exploitation and destruction of the country’s natural resources paints a grim picture, a worrying trend that threatens human existence.
“This is evidenced by the WWF Living Planet report and intergovernmental Science –policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem Services (IPBES) Reports, Uganda among several African Countries is now on the red as a result of Human activities” He said.
Katumba said to secure the future of Humanity, urgent decisive global action to bend the curve on devastating nature loss should be put in place.
He said the Scout Movement in Uganda Globally is partnering with WWF and all government agencies to rally Ugandans take actions to save the environment.
Duli said this year they want to shine a light on the deep connections between climate change and nature loss. As we can’t beat climate change without protecting nature or re establish a thriving natural world without a stable climate.
This year’s Theme is ‘Keep it Green and Clean’ with an aim of mobilizing Ugandans to address the rapid Deforestation by planting trees, adopt the use of renewable energy technologies and take a firm stand on plastic pollution.
He said Plastic is a problem as it acts like a sponge, it soaks up other toxic chemicals and pollutant present in the environment and water bodies .