Train commuter of UR transport way to go
I am a regular commuter on the railway commuter service to and from Namanve Train Station. The putting into place of this transport service has had a major impact on the people using it on a number of points; some good others not-so-good.
One of the best things it has done to Kampalans using the service is a sense of timeliness. By 5:30 p.m. on the dot, the commuter train service will leave for Namanve. And it will spend no more than 35 minutes to Namanve for UGX 1,000 only. For Ugandans used to not bothering about being on and in time, this is a big change. It is inculcating a sense of etiquette.
The downside to it now is that, travelers go to the railway station even more than 30 minutes before time. This would not be bad, if it were not for the fact that the wagons are few. Another downside: there is usually a scramble to board the train coming to the last minutes. And then there is congestion, with the central isles of the cabins being clogged by standing passengers.
Another downside: it is obvious that the five coaches that Uganda Railways (UR) is providing are inadequate. For the Namanve route, at least additional two wagons are needed. For the two trips to Namanve, it carries probably one million people daily; that is about a third of the people coming to the city: that is good for the commuters.
Bernard Wanyama, Kireka